The Corporate Decarbonisation Platform

Microsoft Sustainability Solutions Partner

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About Us

We understand the urgency of addressing climate change and the need for organisations to actively participate in creating a sustainable future. Our mission is to empower businesses to go beyond compliance and make a positive impact on the environment.

Our Solution

Our solution, built on Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability, is designed to assist organisations in recording, reporting, and reducing their carbon emissions, aligning them with the global sustainability goals.

Comprehensive Integration

Our cutting-edge solution offers a seamless and integrated approach to emissions reporting and sustainability management, purposefully developed for Microsoft Sustainability Manager.

Custom Compliance

With Below Baseline, you can expect customised emission factors, precise calculations, advanced AI models, and regular updates to ensure compliance and the highest level of accuracy.

Streamlined Processes

Simplify your processes with our streamlined approach. Below Baseline optimises data collection, analysis, and reporting, while effortlessly aligning with global and local regulatory frameworks.

Goal Tracking

Our platform enables efficient goal-setting and progress tracking through intuitive scorecards and interactive dashboards, fostering collaboration and data-driven decision-making.

Key Features

Custom Emission Factors

Tailored global and local regulated emission factors for accurate reporting.

Regulatory Calculations

Custom regulatory-based calculations to ensure compliance with relevant standards.

Continuous Updates

We keep the solution up-to-date with future emission factors and calculation models.

Seamless Implementation

Efficient data pipelines and integration with existing systems.

AI-Powered Bill Recognition

Enhance the quality of data input with our advanced AI models for accurate bill report recognition.

Goals and Scorecards

Easily track and manage sustainability targets with our intuitive goals and scorecards functionality.

Transparent reporting

Visually display emissions data on your website via our customer Power BI reporting solution.

Regulatory reporting

Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive & Australian Sustainability Reporting Standards (Draft).

Why Sustainability

Sustainability is vital for long-term business success, fostering environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and economic growth. By prioritising sustainability, organisations can drive innovation, attract conscientious consumers, and create a positive societal impact while ensuring long-term success in a rapidly changing world.

Mitigating risks associated with climate change and resource scarcity

By adopting sustainable practices, companies can reduce their environmental impact, minimise dependence on finite resources, and enhance resilience in the face of changing climatic conditions. This proactive approach helps organisations future-proof their operations and maintain a competitive edge.

Increasing regulatory requirements and reporting standards

Governments and regulatory bodies worldwide are implementing stricter guidelines to ensure responsible business practices. Meeting these obligations not only demonstrates compliance but also enhances reputation and stakeholder trust.

Contributing to global climate goals and supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy

By reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adopting renewable energy sources, organisations play a crucial role in combating climate change. This commitment aligns with international efforts to limit global warming and fosters a more sustainable and equitable future for all.

Case Study

Cotton Australia – Cotton Data

Driving Sustainable Cotton Production with Data Insights

Developed in partnership with Sentient Dynamics and Cotton Australia. Built on the Microsoft Power Platform this dashboard is the first of its kind for the cotton industry globally. This innovative solution showcases the full potential of the Microsoft Power Platform, using Dataverse, Power Apps, and Power BI to transform data from multiple sources and present it visually to different audiences.

Our Insights

Welcome to Below Baseline Insights, your go-to resource for the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in sustainability and emission reporting.

Exploring the Concept of Carbon Accounting

This article explores the importance of carbon accounting, its role in sustainable development, its link to renewable energy, its impact on financial performance, and the strategies and intelligence it provides for mitigation.

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