Navigating Emissions Reporting in 2023-24

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Below Baseline Simplifies the Process with Automated Solutions

As businesses worldwide grapple with the growing emphasis on sustainability and climate action, precise emissions tracking and reporting are more crucial than ever. The year 2023 brings significant changes to the Australian Emissions and Energy Reporting System (EERS), which directly influences how organisations track and report their scope 1, 2, and 3 carbon emissions. Here at Below Baseline, we are not only committed to guiding you through these changes but also offer innovative solutions that significantly streamline your emissions reporting process.

The EERS 2023-24 Open for Reporting

The EERS for the 2023–24 reporting year is now open via the Clean Energy Regulator Website. Via the Client Portal, National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) reporters can prepare and submit emissions and energy reports under sections 19, 22G, and 22X of the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 (NGER Act). The submission deadline for the 2023–24 reports is 11:59 pm Wednesday, 31 October 2024 (AEDT) which will come around quickly, so start preparing if you haven’t already.

Leveraging Automation in Emissions Reporting: Below Baseline's Innovative Solution

Many organisations devote substantial human resources to collate their emissions reporting data, often requiring teams to sift through hundreds of spreadsheets and PDFs. Our solution, Below Baseline, aims to transform this time-consuming and complex process. It automates emissions data aggregation, helping organisations to streamline their reporting and allow staff to focus on strategic sustainability initiatives instead.

New and Updated in EERS for 2023-24

Several changes are made to the EERS for the 2023–24 reporting year. The introduction of new fuel items and updated emission factors for certain activities are among these changes. Following the release of EERS in early July 2024, additional updates and critical information will be added to several guidance documents published on the CER website. These updates could impact your organisation’s operations, so we recommend keeping an eye on them.

Updates to NGER Legislation

The National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement) Determination 2008 has seen several key amendments for 2023–24 and beyond. These changes in regulations and reporting requirements highlight the rapidly changing landscape of sustainability and emissions tracking. The changes can be found here.

Below Baseline's Role in Navigating Changes

In this dynamic environment, Below Baseline is fully equipped to support organisations with accurate and compliant emissions tracking and reporting. Our automated solution, designed to alleviate the burden of manual data gathering and report generation, provides an efficient approach to keeping up with these legislative changes. By harnessing the power of automation, we make the reporting process less daunting and more effective.