Cotton Australia – Cotton Data

Driving Sustainable Cotton Production with Data Insights

Developed in partnership with Accelerate and Cotton Australia. Built on the Microsoft Power Platform this dashboard is the first of its kind for the cotton industry globally. This innovative solution showcases the full potential of the Microsoft Power Platform, using Dataverse, Power Apps, and Power BI to transform data from multiple sources and present it visually to different audiences.

The goal of the dashboard is to continually improve the social and environmental sustainability of the Australian cotton industry to stakeholders, using data to drive decision-making about Australian cotton as a raw material and support collaboration throughout the textile supply chain.

To achieve this, the dashboard draws on several best available data sources including from the Australian cotton industry, government, publicly available information, and commercial agricultural businesses. By openly sharing this data on the current state of the industry and identifying areas for improvement, Cotton Australia aims to create a more sustainable future for Australian cotton.

Visit the full dashboard here – Cotton Data